Helping to develop confidence and skills
Area of Delivery: Plymouth, West Devon and Dorset
Looking for work is not always easy, particularly if you’ve been out of work for a while.
Pluss offers 1:1 support to help you build your confidence and succeed in the career of your choice.
Finding work
If you have a learning disability or autism our services can help you get ready for and find paid work.
We will help you develop your confidence, skills and find the right job for you.
Our support is built around you and your support network:
- Personal development – help to build your confidence
- Training – from basic skills to professional qualifications
- Job search – CVs, applications and interview
- Work trials – so you can try out jobs and gain experience
- Benefits advice – to ensure you are better off in work
Once you’re in work the support continues:
- Mentoring – we stay in regular contact with you
- Job Coaching – to help you learn work tasks
- Access to funding – for equipment to do your job
- Whatever else you may need – anything from help with travel to interview clothes
We can also signpost you to others for help with benefits advice, training or social clubs.
We work with people (of all ages) with a learning disability, autism and additional physical or sensory disabilities.
We are very happy to work with young people leaving school or college and with people who have never worked before.
How can I sign up?
You can contact us yourself or you can ask other people to contact us, including
- Parents and carers
- Day centres and schools
- Health and social care professionals
We are funded by Dorset Council and Plymouth City Council but individuals can also purchase 1:1 employment support from their personal budgets.