Pluss Events

Pluss offers lots of events to support your health and wellbeing.

Click on one of the coloured location buttons to discover the activities on offer near you.

Carers Hub


A series of virtual workshops, from the Pluss' Positive People Devon team, that provide the opportunity to consider your future beyond your caring role. Access to support and resources for YOUR needs and development. Six weekly sessions (Tuesdays on Zoom) from 24th May. EXPLORE PERSONAL GOALS SPACE TO TALK CONNECT WITH OTHERS A PLACE TO […]


Menopause Self Care


Pluss's Health Works for Cornwall is offering this two-part online course for women experiencing, or approaching, perimenopause/menopause. Part 1: Wed 22nd June, 2022 | 10.30am - 2.30pm Part 2: Wed 29th June, 2022 | 10.30am - 2.30pm ❤ Begin to understand the opportunities and challenges that can happen during this time of life ❤ Learn […]


Healthy Eating & Lifestyle On A Budget


A fully-funded online workshop organised by our Pluss' Positive People team in Somerset on Wednesday 6th July between 10am and midday. 🍒 As the cost of living continues to rise, and we all have to look after our pennies more carefully, it's still important to try and make sure we provide ourselves and our families […]


Steps To Success (online course)


Are you ready for some uplifting, informative, empowering and life changing workshops this Autumn? Then join the Pluss' Positive People team in Somerset, along with a host of partners, to build those steps to succeeding in your life by boosting your confidence, improving your digital skills and sharing budgeting tips. This is a fully funded, […]


Self Esteem


This fully-funded* online course is delivered by the Pluss' Positive People team from Torbay Community Development Trust over four dates from 1pm - 3pm. ⭐ Tuesday 13th September Understand what self esteem is and explore its impact ⭐Tuesday 20th September Different self esteem cycles and how they can be broken ⭐ Tuesday 27th September Identify […]


Steps To Success (online course)


Are you ready for some uplifting, informative, empowering and life changing workshops this Autumn? Then join the Pluss' Positive People team in Somerset, along with a host of partners, to build those steps to succeeding in your life by boosting your confidence, improving your digital skills and sharing budgeting tips. This is a fully funded, […]


Self Esteem


This fully-funded* online course is delivered by the Pluss' Positive People team from Torbay Community Development Trust over four dates from 1pm - 3pm. ⭐ Tuesday 13th September Understand what self esteem is and explore its impact ⭐Tuesday 20th September Different self esteem cycles and how they can be broken ⭐ Tuesday 27th September Identify […]


Steps To Success (online course)


Are you ready for some uplifting, informative, empowering and life changing workshops this Autumn? Then join the Pluss' Positive People team in Somerset, along with a host of partners, to build those steps to succeeding in your life by boosting your confidence, improving your digital skills and sharing budgeting tips. This is a fully funded, […]


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